Debate Drive - December 2024

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Is being a musician worth the risk?

Musicians and pop stars bring joy to millions of people across the world. They sometimes earn millions of pounds but live their lives in a spotlight that generates its own pressures. Is the potential benefit of the lifestyle worth the risks that come with it?

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Should we be better at dealing with illnesses?

In 2024 we can treat many illnesses, injuries, and infections that were lethal to previous generations. Yet we still can’t cure the “common cold” and regularly see people take days off school and work due to its effects. Should we be better at dealing with common illnesses?

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Are UK traditions becoming too "Americanised"?

The UK has centuries of traditions evolving from countless customs and communities from across the planet. With the rise of TV, movies, & social media, the USA has had a massive influence on how we celebrate certain times of the year. But has it had too much influence at the expense of local traditions?

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