Debate Drive - January 2025

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When is the best time to start a healthy lifestyle?

The New Year brings lots of new opportunities for new hobbies, social activities, and healthy lifestyles. But is it really the best time to start these things?

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Should more people choose veganism?

Every January, millions of people around the world adopt veganism for the month giving up eating all animal products. But should more people choose this lifestyle?

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Is it really all that important to budget your money?

Once it has gone, it has gone, right? Why bother budgeting your money when you can always earn some more? Money is there to be spent! Or is it really important to make sure important things are paid for before splashing out on nice things?

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Is it always ok to borrow money?

Why bother saving for nice things when you can just borrow the money and pau it back later right? Credit cards, bank loans, and store cards are all there for a reason so surely it can’t be too bad. Or should we be more careful with what we borrow and when?

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