Gears of Thought are monthly extended reading packs to embed modelled, non-fiction reading into your Tutor Programme or across the curriculum. It is back again for the 2024/25 academic year bigger and better than ever!
Full access to all 40 weeks of The Literacy Engine “Gears of Thought” packs for the 2024/25 academic year which are published monthly. Use them with your students as you see fit and embed extended reading texts into your curriculum. The membership entitles you to:
- Full access to all of our “Gears of Thought” extended reading packs as they are published throughout the year
- Full access to the 2023/24 back catalogue of resources
- Access to our Subject in Focus pack each month
- Licence to use the resources across one school (Contact us to discuss discounting for Trust wide licensing)
- Priority access to special supplementary topic packs published periodically throughout the year
- Access to our sample packs
- Full access to The Engine Room resources
- Full access to The Oracy Engine
- Full access to our Debate Drive resources
- Development Cogs mapping against PSHE, SMSC, British Values, and Citizenship topics